Natural VS Synthetic Vitamins

Natural VS Synthetic Vitamins

Natural VS Synthetic Vitamins is a subject that needs to be focused on more to enable you to have a complete nutritional program that maximizes your benefits.

Vitamins were created by God and were available directly from vegetables and fruits at the beginning. Our foods lost their natural nutrients when man drained earth’s soil. 

In Eden’s absence, apple, peach, and pumpkin pies lost some of their deliciousness and nutrition. It’s no problem.

All you need is sugar, artificial flavors, and… You’re done! Humans invented vitamins as a means of supplementing food. Scientists then said, “Let’s make synthetic vitamins!”

That way, they will be much more affordable to produce and, hopefully, will be just as effective as those expensive natural vitamins. 

This is not entirely correct 

We now know that Natural VS Synthetic Vitamins are not as good as all-natural vitamins.

The reason is because they don’t contain the same amount of nutrients, and some have been proven to be harmful.

So if you’re looking for a natural vitamin supplement, then look no further than our selection of 100% pure, organic herbs & spices!

To demonstrate the point, experiments have shown that when polarized light is placed through synthetic vitamins, the light acts much differently than when it is placed through whole vitamins.

When polarized light is placed through whole vitamins, the light beam bends to the right. When this same light passes through a synthetic vitamin, the beam splits in half. 

Science has not created a vitamin equivalent to nature’s whole vitamins. Synthetic vitamins only give you half the biological activity as whole vitamins. In fact, research shows that synthetic vitamins can actually be dangerous to your health!

The best way to get all of the nutrients and bio-active compounds in food is by eating real foods – fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, grains, fish, poultry, dairy products, etc.

Natural VS Synthetic Vitamins issues

The problem with artificial supplements is they are made from chemicals which have been proven to cause cancer or other diseases.

Nevertheless, most vitamins on the market today use stripped down synthetic vitamins rather than whole vitamins coming straight from vegetables and fruits!

The reason is simple; synthetic vitamins are much cheaper to manufacture. Health-conscious individuals need to appreciate the importance of giving their bodies whole vitamins, along with other critical nutrients.

The best way to ensure that you get all your daily vitamin needs in a natural form is by eating lots of fresh produce every day.

This will provide you with an abundance of antioxidants, fiber, minerals, phytonutrients, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids, etc., which can be easily absorbed into your body through your digestive system.

You should also make sure to eat plenty of organic foods as well because they contain more nutrients per calorie compared to non-organic food sources.


Vitamin C may damage the body by causing the arterial walls of the heart to thicken up to 2 1/2 times with Ascorbic Acid. Ascorbic acid is a dangerous substance!

The best way to get vitamin c from food sources is through fresh fruits and vegetables, not supplements.

The only supplement that I recommend for people who are deficient in Vitamin C is L-Carnitine which can be found at health stores or online. It’s also available as an over the counter product called Carnitorin.


Likewise, synthetic Vitamin E is known to leach vitamins and minerals right out of your bones. You can harm yourself more by taking synthetic Vitamin E!

There is no substitute for all-natural, whole-food vitamins and minerals. From Vitamin A to Zinc, the human body needs them all in the right proportion.

Vitamins are essential for normal metabolism, growth, and life, according to Taber’s Medical Dictionary. Health cannot be maintained without them. Vitamin supplements have been a subject of some debate until recently.

According to a study published by The Journal of American Medical Association, everyone should take a multivitamin every single day, thus ending the controversy.

Your body begins to pay the price as it tries to compensate for nutrient deficiencies. Eventually, poor nutrition can lead to devastating consequences. Some people treat their body as if it were invincible.

Don’t be deluded. Your health is priceless. Give your body what it needs and deserves. Bottom line, getting the proper nutrients and micronutrients each day is critical to maintaining good health.

The best way to get these vital nutrients is through food. However, there are times when you may need extra help from a supplement. If you’re not sure whether or not you need vitamin supplementation, here are five reasons why you might want to consider adding one to your daily routine.

1) To Prevent Disease

If you’ve ever heard that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” then you know how important eating fruits and vegetables is.

They’re loaded with powerful antioxidant compounds like beta carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, quercetin, anthocyanins, and many others. These antioxidants protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cataracts, macular degeneration, osteoporosis, arthritis, gout, and other diseases.

A recent study showed that women who ate lots of fruit had less breast cancer than those who didn’t. Researchers believe this could be due to the high levels of fiber and potassium present in most fruits. Fiber helps keep cholesterol down while potassium promotes healthy blood pressure.

  2) For Energy

When we think about energy, we usually imagine something physical such as strength, endurance, speed, etc., but did you realize that our bodies actually require energy? We use energy to perform everyday tasks such as walking up stairs, talking on the phone, driving, cooking, cleaning, exercising, working, sleeping, thinking, reading, writing, playing sports, dancing, gardening, shopping, paying bills, doing laundry, making meals, etc.? All of these activities require energy.

Energy comes from two sources: carbohydrates, which provide quick bursts of fuel; and fats, which give us long term energy. Carbohydrates come primarily from foods containing starches and sugars. Fats include saturated fat, unsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, omega-3 fatty acids, and trans fat.

Omega-6 fatty acids also contribute to overall energy production.

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, glycogen, and stored triglycerides. Glucose provides immediate energy, whereas glycogen stores last longer. Triglycerides store more energy per gram than either glucose or glycogen. When needed, they break down into free fatty acids and glycerol. Glycogen breaks down into glucose during exercise.

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  1. Understanding the importance of nutrition
  2. Knowing the basics of a balanced diet
  3. Adopting healthy lifestyle habits
  4. Incorporating physical activity into daily routine
  5. Seeking professional guidance for sustained health and wellness.