7 Ways to Conquer Gas get Relief Fast

Many of us suffer from bloating on occasion, well today we will show you 7 Ways to Conquer Gas get Relief Fast. It can be very uncomfortable, so it is a good idea to consider the possible or potential causes, and how you can get rid of the annoying condition.

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What Causes Bloating

Bloating is often due to the build-up of intestinal gas. We all have bacteria in our intestines, and it will always produce some gas. Too much gas can lead to bloating and excessive flatulence.

Overeating is the other main cause of bloating. Eat small meals regularly. Don’t be tempted to skip breakfast and lunch and then eat a huge meal in the evening.

Fizzy drinks are another common cause of bloating. Excess gas ends up in the stomach.

Swallowing too much air can cause bloating. Don’t talk and eat at the same time. Eat your food slowly, as wolfing it down encourages wind. Chewing gum a lot can also lead to you swallowing too much air.

Bloating is sometimes due to constipation, in which case a laxative may help.

Women can suffer from increased bloating during the menopause.

Food allergies or intolerance can lead to bloating.

If you suspect a particular food is a problem, try eliminating it from your diet. Beans, onions, cabbages, dairy products, and wheat products are likely culprits. Take out one suspect food at a time; see if your symptoms disappear.

Various other conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), can also cause bloating. If you suspect you have IBS, consult a qualified physician to get the diagnosis confirmed and a treatment plan put in place.

Bloating is caused by water retention and/or indigestion.

When your body digests food, the waste matter gets flushed out of your body. Sometimes, however, your body can’t digest all of that matter, and it winds up in your colon.

Whatever is left over gets turned into excess gas. That gas then gets held in your stomach and expands.

Bloating can make you feel sleepy, though that’s not the only reason. When you have too much gas in your stomach, it’s uncomfortable. And, as you now know, that discomfort can make you feel tired.

If you feel tired when you have gas, but you have no other signs of heartburn symptoms or acid reflux, add some extra fiber to your diet.

Here are the 7 Ways to Conquer Gas get Relief Fast

Home RemedyInstructionNote
Activated charcoalTake after a meal.Avoid use if you are taking any medication.
Fennel seedsChew some fennel seeds after a meal or if you feel bloated.Avoid use if you are a pregnant woman.
Ginger rootEat some finely grated ginger roots with a meal, or drink a cup of warm ginger tea after a meal.Avoid eating ginger cookies or crystallized ginger.
AniseedsEat some aniseeds after a meal.Avoid use if you have high blood pressure (hypertension).
PeppermintDrink one or two cups of peppermint tea a day. Capsules are also commercially available.Not recommended for those with acid reflux or heartburn.
ChamomileDrink a cup of chamomile tea after a meal.Avoid use if you are allergic to ragweed family.
CarawayTake some caraway seeds or drink a cup of caraway tea after a meal.Avoid use if you are allergic to Apiaceae/Carrot and Compositae family.
Table gives remedies to various conditions

NOTE: If symptoms still persist after treatment (both medical and natural) , consult your doctor, since long term bloating is occasionally a sign of a much more serious health condition. Always consult with your doctor before taking any treatment.

Bonus Gas and Bloating Remedies

There are many effective natural nutrition remedies for bloating problems, so there is likely to be one that works for you. If symptoms persist, consult a qualified doctor, since long-term bloating is occasionally a sign of a much more serious condition. The following table provides some useful natural home remedies for bloating.

Taking probiotics for gas and bloating is definitely a good idea.

Probiotics are microorganism that help the normal function of the body. They help the intestine to keep a healthy balance of bacteria. The most common reason for gas and bloating is simply there is too much bacteria in the intestines. If you take probiotics you help to restore this balance.

It is said that aloe vera can help you get rid of gas and bloating.

It is a plant that has been used for centuries by many cultures as a natural remedy. It has been used to treat a wide range of conditions from burns, sunburns, wounds, rashes and skin irritations, fevers, infections and even painful menstrual cycles.

The juice from aloe vera can help to soothe many digestive problems and it’s also great for constipation, bloating and gas. However, it isn’t recommended for people with a ulcer.

Black pepper has been used in traditional medicine to treat indigestion and flatulence for thousands of years.

It is thought to work by stimulating the gallbladder making it contract and push out bile, the fluid that helps break down fats and digest food.

Black pepper also increases the amount of saliva produced in the mouth, which neutralizes stomach acids. It has been proven that black pepper effectively boosts the protective function of the respiratory tract, eliminates cough and eliminates inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Recent research shows that black pepper has anti-cancer properties. Pepper contains essential oils, vitamins and minerals, as well as alkaloids, which are strong antioxidants.

It is also known that when pepper is consumed regularly, it reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Black tea is known to help calm the digestive system.

However, it is also known to worsen diarrhea. So, if you suffer from diarrhea and are looking for a remedy, try drinking black tea.

Black tea is also known to improve the function of the colon. It helps improve digestion and stimulates peristalsis, which is the wavelike contractions of the digestive system. Black tea is also very helpful for people suffering from dyspepsia.

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